Well what can I say?
I always appreciated any time Bill would pick up a guitar and start play and sing. Many a late nights concerts mixed with proper amounts of libations that I will carry in my mind for the rest of time. Thank you Bill,for putting it on media, so I can listen to you in far away places.
Finally Bill released an album of his gorgeous songs. Intricate melodies , thoughtful words ….it’s been well worth the wait! Congratulations my dear and talented friend.
Excellent driving music! Put it on in your car!
Diverse and intelligent lyrics, stunning arrangements and an amazing collaboration of musicians! Of course I have favorite tracks–starting with the first and going through the last. Bill P., I hope to hear more from you.
I love this album! Great driving music. Will listen again and again, each song is a different sound than the last.
Lyrical blues, poetic songs, humour and heartache, mature arrangements, a great musical rhapsody with a journeyman blues player and song writer.
Great tunes, lovely recording quality, feels like you are really in the room with the performers.